Here are some paragraphs of text from here…
I do indeed know what he means. I had this buddy Alonso Quixano, who was something of an idealist, and an amazing chef. He steadfastly maintained that if you build it, they will come, and refused spend any time distracted from his craft on anything that resembled marketing. In fact, he got swept up in a sort of anti-marketing experiment with his latest project, Avocadabra, an avocado toast specialty shop. They had avocado toast of all kinds. Their flagship offering, for example, featured a simple spread made of avocado, fresh lemon juice, expeller pressed olive oil, sea salt, and red pepper flakes, served on a toasted slice of Cranberry, Raisin & Pecan Bread, procured fresh from the Boulangerie at Balthazar each morning.
Avocadabra had no online presence, on Facebook, Instagram, etc. I think they even paid Yelp to delete pages and reviews if anyone tried to create them on their behalf. They operated out of a food truck which would park at a random location in Red Hook each morning at a different hour. The only way to find the place was biking up and down the streets, looking for the signature green flag waving atop the truck. There was about a fifty percent chance of actually finding them if you went looking. But damn, the avocado toast was good.
Some strong and em and <small> text.
An h1 heading
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.
An h2 heading
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.
An h3 heading
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.
An h4 heading
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.
An h5 heading
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.
An h6 heading
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.
The summary text which will be truncated at a certain length with an ellipsis.
A div inside the details that renders markdown content.
A second paragraph within the details.
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.
Dennis: We’re drifting. What’s the hypothesis?
Me: USDA “hush up.”
Dennis: Motive?
Me: Money. Misinformation. This message is dangerous to their operation. They can’t let it get broadly disseminated.
Dennis: But they can’t prevent you from publishing it, so…. they’re obfuscundating you.
Me: Did you just make that up?
Dennis: Nah, I’ve been thinking about this idea for awhile—literally hiding you in a flood. Er, figuratively. You know what I mean…. Anyway, the point is that the choke point used to be at time of publication, mass media used to be more one-to-many, pre-internet. Control the printing press, the radio waves, the TV channels, and you could control the information broadcast to the masses, and hence, you control the masses.
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.
A para with some code in it
. And back to para.
import datetime
print("{0}: {1}".format(12345, "abcdefg"))
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.
_put italics directly after image to render as caption_
put italics directly after image to render as caption
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.
Image with w-article
Image with mw-1000
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.
And some para text. And some para text. And some para text. And some para text.