I think I first heard about Miranda July when she released her app Somebody in 2014 – it was an app where strangers delivered messages between friends – but for some reason I did not explore much of her other work back then.
A few weeks ago, I saw her interview on City Arts Lectures, heard about her new book – which is kind of like a retrospective of her work – and bought it on a sort of whim.
It’s absolutely delightful, fun, inspiring, a ray of sunshine during the pandemic. I texted several friends before I finished it to get their addresses so I could send them copies.
I love discovering someone where I get the feeling I need to check out everything this person has ever made.
Notes and quotes:
The Future: You said you were going to be stronger this time, but you’re already crumbling. What to do? Less, I’d say. Crumble with panache.
))<>(( forever
The Future: A woman named Sarah. That’s all I know. Hopefully you know if you should flee her, save her, love her, or if she is you.
The Future: You don’t listen to music the way you used to. That’s ok, but find a new way now. While driving? Showering? It will help you.
The Future: You don’t get to have everything or everything you want. And a lifetime of wanting is less poetic than you once thought. Let him/her go.
“I often feel that she is talking right to me when I watch or read or see anything she’s made. I know everyone probably feels that way about her work, but I still believe that she is whispering it just into my ear and no one else’s. – Spike Jonze